A Safe Place Where Everyone Is Welcome

Author: Connie Hollon

Calendar of Events

Sunday morning services start at 10:45 am and Bible class starts at 9:30 am. We also have classes for children. Any questions, you can call the church office at 928-646-6024, leave a message and we will return your call. Thank you.

  1. Please see our Facebook page, Verde Valley Church of the Nazarene and like it. Call the church for questions. In case you have offering or tithe and are unable to attend the services, you can mail it to the church at PO Box 176, Cottonwood, AZ 86326. We also have PayPal donation right here on our website.
  2. Prayer Service Every Wednesday night from now on, at 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm in the Church Sanctuary.  Prayer is the answer for spiritual growth! 
  3. Men’s and Ladies’ Bible Study is on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Building.
  4. Men’s Prayer Breakfast is scheduled for Saturday, October 19, at 8:00 a,m,  in the Fellowship Hall.
  5. All Family Breakfast is scheduled once a quarter and the next one is on Saturday, September 28, 2024, 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Plan to come and enjoy the great food and fellowship.
  6. Communion is offered every other month on the  first Sunday of each month.
  7. Connect is on hold at this time due to illness. This is when we get together for table games, food and fellowship. 

The Benefits of Revival

By Rev. Norman Moore

1. Lost people can be saved.

2. Believers can be sanctified.

3. Individual Christians can be renewed.

4. Those who have strayed can return to the Lord.

5. The church can be awakened from apathy and stagnation.

6. Families can be healed in their relationships.

7. Church unity can improve.

8. Lay leadership can make new commitments.

9. Church finances can improve.

10.The pastor and spouse can be encouraged in their ministries.

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